Protect your email data by making it accessible only through trusted devices!

You cannot fully protect your data without implementing 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) for email access across all endpoints! D2M ensures data protection by enabling 2FA for email access on mobile devices, preventing data transmission to stolen or lost devices. Current security regulations don't recommend relying solely on usernames and passwords for accessing organizational data. With D2M's 2FA feature, you will be fully compliant with the relevant regulations of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Digital Transformation Office.

Access Your Email Data with Trusted Devices!


Secure Access with Trusted Devices

With D2M, your email data is transferred only to trusted devices.

Phishing Detect

Protection Against Theft or Loss

With D2M, in case of theft or loss of your trusted devices, access to email data can be blocked.

Smart Scan

Device Management

D2M provides users with the ability to manage trusted devices.

Why D2M!


100% Domestic and National Software

D2M is 100% domestic and national software.

Phishing Detect

Compliant with Regulations

D2M is compliant with the relevant articles of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK) and the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Digital Transformation Office.
The Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Digital Transformation Office Information Security Guide and NIST regulations do not recommend relying solely on usernames and passwords for accessing organizational data.

Smart Scan

Complete Protection Against Theft or Loss

With D2M, you can manage or prevent access to email data on stolen or lost devices through the management panel.

Secure Access

D2M enables you to make your email data secure by adding two-factor authentication.
With two-factor authentication, full compliance with the regulations of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Digital Transformation Office is ensured.
In case of your device being lost or stolen, you can block data flow to your device from the management panel.

Safe and reliable

Contact Us

Reach out to us to obtain information about D2M and start using it.
With D2M, you can also manage your email data from secure devices.

    Email :
  • Phone : +90 312 502 21 21
  • Address : Üniversiteler Mahallesi, Hacettepe Teknokent Safir Blokları
    E Blok Floor: 9, No:51, 06640, Çankaya/ANKARA
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